Vehicle Exterior

  1. Are all exterior lights (headlights, indicators, brake lights, etc.) functioning properly?
  2. Is there any visible damage to the bodywork or paint?
  3. Are the tires properly inflated and free from damage or excessive wear?
  4. Are all mirrors intact and properly adjusted?
  5. Is the windshield and other windows free from cracks or chips?
  6. Are the licence plates securely attached and legible?
  7. Is the fuel level sufficient for the day’s tasks?

Vehicle Interior:

  1. Are all dashboard warning lights off when the engine is running?
  2. Do all seat belts function properly?
  3. Is the cabin clean and free from clutter?
  4. Are all essential documents (insurance, registration, etc.) present and up to date?
  5. Are there any unusual odours or sounds coming from the vehicle?

Equipment and Tools:

  1. Do you have all necessary equipment, including sack trucks, blankets, straps, etc.?
  2. Are these items in good condition and ready for use?

Driver Skills:

  1. Are you proficient in disassembling and reassembling furniture or other items?
  2. Do you have experience securing loads safely and efficiently?
  3. Have you completed any relevant training or certifications?

Video Evidence:

  1. Please provide a brief video walkthrough of your vehicle’s interior and exterior, highlighting any issues or concerns.

Additional Comments:

  1. Is there anything else you would like to note about the condition of your vehicle or your readiness for the day’s tasks?